The FOB! Form Follows Business project was a development project for designers and businesses of different fields, and it aimed to develop design-based services and business models. The project was funded by the North Savo ELY Centre, the Business Services of the City of Kuopio and Kuopion Rouvasväenyhdistys ry.
The Pallo haltuun project was realized by the Kuopio Rouvasväenyhdistys ry in cooperation with Kuopion Palloseura and the City of Kuopio. The project was funded by the North Savo ELY Centre, the City of Kuopio, Kuopion Palloseura and Kuopion Rouvasväenyhdistys ry.
In October 2015, Kuopion Rouvasväenyhdistys and the City of Kuopio started a pilot project Nuorten Oma Kuopio! – the city designed for young people. The project utilized participatory urban design methods and aimed to engage and involve young people from Kuopio in the design and implementation of a common environment.
The main manager of the project was Kuopion Rouvasväenyhdistys ry. Other participants: the Municipality of Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Business and Culture Competence Area and Taito Eastern Finland.
Other cooperators: Arts Council of North Savo and the Finnish Federation of Crafts and Art, Taito ry.
The main manager of the project was the University of Eastern Finland, Aducate Education and Development. Other participants: the Upper Savo Educational Consortium, Savonia University of Applied Sciences and Kuopion Rouvasväenyhdistys ry, Kuopio Academy of Design.
The main goal of the project was to develop new business and product opportunities for companies. The project created a joint product development platform model for educational institutions, professionals and companies. The model was developed through practical development cases at the pilot sites of the project. The forum focused in-depth on innovation and product orientations that companies don’t have the time, knowledge, or resources to do. It did not produce ready-made commercial product innovations, but created idea prototypes of product and environmental solutions that improve learning or work environments. A multidisciplinary project that supports product development expertise linked different educational institutions and service companies into a single product development team. The main manager of the project was Kuopion Rouvasväenyhdistys ry, Kuopio Academy of Design. The Municipality of Savonia Polytechnic and the Savo Educational Consortium were also involved. Approximately ten companies from Eastern Finland participated. The pilot sites were educational and work environments. The project’s cost estimate was 561,000 €. The main contributor was the North Savo Center for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, through which the project was funded with ESF and state contributions of 480,000 €.
This international partner project included participants from Italy, Germany, Finland and Spain. The partners from Finland were Kuopio Academy of Design and Promotto Oy from Lahti. The project was managed by the Italian province of Pistoia. The goal was to develop processes to support the business and product development of furniture and interior design companies, and to promote lifelong learning opportunities by creating training packages tailored to the businesses’ needs. In addition, the aim was to network companies from different countries for interactive development work. The Kuopio Academy of Design was responsible for quality assurance in project implementation and monitoring, and the process of completing training materials. In addition, a graphic design of the project results was carried out by the academy.
User-centric design as a tool for developing new operating environments 1.4.2008–28.2.2010.
The project developed a multidisciplinary product development model in which design, business, measurement and testing, manufacturing and raw material suppliers formed an innovation and service chain.
The enterprise organization in Vicenza, Italy, launched the ESF project in 2009. Kuopio Academy of Design took part in the project by familiarizing Italian companies and support organizations with institutional enterprise cooperation and design use in product development. In concrete terms, the activity consisted of two training events in Vicenza, Italy and meetings in Finland. The cooperation continued in thesis projects for Italian companies.
In the Euro Crafts 21 project, training, guidance and business consulting organizations developed content and tools for managing sustainable development. Similarly, the companies involved received management processes that consider the different aspects of sustainable development.
The Euro Crafts 21 partner project had eight partners from six different countries: Austria, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Slovakia and Finland. In total, the project had over 50 trainers and companies. From Finland, the Kuopio Academy of Design was involved and through its sub-project, the Arts and Crafts Associations of Upper Savo and Nilsiä. All partner countries created at least one new training module alongside those previously developed. Kuopio Academy of Design’s share dealt with product life cycles and usability. In addition, the academy produced a browser-based CD-ROM for educational use.